Case Studies

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From Overlooked to Outstanding: How Web Design and Local SEO Transformed Business

The Challenge

Our client approached us for support in redesigning their website. They recognised that their current website, which had not undergone any professional development since its creation, was in dire need of an update. They sought improvements in terms of compatibility across various devices, user experience (UX), and visibility on search engines. Additionally, they faced a challenge with a competing business that had been closed for several years but still managed to outrank them in local searches. They wanted to address this issue and implement a strategy to elevate their own ranking.


Our Solution

To address these challenges, we provided comprehensive support to revamp the client's website structure. We implemented best practises in search engine optimisation (SEO), prioritising both the user journey and strategically placing call-to-action (CTA) elements to boost their conversion rate. Recognising the importance of mobile optimisation, we also developed a mobile-specific version of their website. Additionally, we contacted Google to request the removal of the defunct competitor from search results since they were no longer in operation. We then optimised the client's Google My Business and Bing Places for Business profiles, ensuring the right keywords and categories were in place to effectively reach their target customers. Furthermore, we offered personalised 1-2-1 support to implement a long-term strategy that would help them maintain their top-ranking position.

Its Impact

By availing our services, the client swiftly noticed a significant increase in website inquiries, and they specifically acknowledged the positive change in volume. Within just 24 hours, we successfully removed the defunct competitor from search results, and through our SEO efforts, the client's ranking shifted to the top spot (#1) in local searches.


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